As you know, Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) is a very cruel as well as brutal disease which devastated the patient personal and professional life in all aspects such as childhood activities, annual religious happy celebrations, due to long episodes, in most of the cases, KLS patients unable to get education, struggling for their bread and butter while living with KLS.
The Kleine-Levin Syndrome Foundation Pakistan (KLSFP) is a non-profit organization established to support KLS patients and their caregivers specifically in Pakistan corresponding to all aspects mentioned earlier and coordinates with International Stakeholders such as Kleine-Levin Syndrome Foundation, United States of America (USA), KLS Support United Kingdom (UK), Hypersomnia Foundation, United States of America (USA).
In Addition to that, Kleine-Levin Syndrome Foundation Pakistan (KLSFP) also generates funds for Kleine-Levin Syndrome Foundation, United States of America (USA), for their sincere efforts of research work to solve the World’s one of the mysterious and rare disease pertaining to KLS cause and cure.
Disablity Status And Provide Information
To get disability status for KLS patients from government and provide information as well as support to Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) patients and their caregivers living in Pakistan.
KLS Sufferers Education And Livelihood
Help KLS patients to overcome obstacles in getting education and their livelihood in Pakistan.
Organize And Attend National International Conferences
Conduct as well as attend the conference pertaining to disease in Pakistan and present KLSFP on international conferences when held.
Awareness And Generate Funds for KLS Medical Research
Pakistan is a developing country, meet Brain Doctors to spread awareness and generate funds for KLS Foundation, USA.